Our Duty to Give Thanks

thank you message on white linen
Thank you God! Thank you Jesus!

“It is truly right and just, our duty and our salvation, always and everywhere to give you thanks, Lord…” We hear the priest say this at every Mass, no matter which of the 4 Eucharistic prayers is being used that day. Giving thanks to God is THAT important- it’s our duty not because God needs anything from us, but because it actually benefits us to give thanks. It’s part of our salvation, after all, and God always wants what is best for us!

St. Paul teaches us about giving thanks many times in the scriptures. The interesting thing is that St. Paul was usually not coming from a place of personal comfort in his writings, yet he was still able to give thanks and teaches us to do the same. St. Paul was often imprisoned, shipwrecked, or facing some other difficult situation that at least I, in my humanity, would have expected God to protect him from, considering the plan and call that God had for St. Paul’s life. But once again, God is asking me to leave behind my human way of thinking to learn the truth, something that St. Paul presents well.

“Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.”

1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 RSVCE

Have no anxiety in anything, but it everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.

Philippians 4:6-7

There is always a lot to be thankful for, despite any current circumstances. How easy it is sometimes to be heavier on the asking side than on the giving thanks side in our prayer time though. It takes a conscious choice every time we pray to approach God with thanksgiving when we present our requests to Him.

It’s also easy to fall into a habit of taking things for granted. Sometimes we don’t know what we have until it’s gone. I’ve experienced that a lot during this illness – as more physical limitations arose for me, I realized I wasn’t grateful enough to be able to do certain things for myself when I could. Now I’m trying to be more mindful about being grateful for things throughout the day, even though I long for the health I used to have. For example, as I type this right now, I can be thankful for my eyesight, as that’s not a guarantee but a gift I’m grateful to have.

While it’s our duty to give thanks, counting our blessings and giving thanks actually brings us joy. It conditions our hearts. Aren’t we all in a better mood when we are thankful? How interesting that the duty God has given us actually brings the gift of joy! God cares for us even in the duties he gives us- how beautiful is that.

God is putting on my heart to give thanks on 4 levels this Thanksgiving:

  1. Give thanks to God for what He has given me in the flesh: food on the table, a roof over my head, a Catholic church in my community, others to help me in my limitations and on my journey, every breath I take, etc. None of this would exist or be possible without God.
  2. Give thanks to God for the spiritual gifts He has given me, knowing that He gave them to me for a specific reason (which then highlights my need to cooperate with them and use them wisely). I can do nothing on my own, so anything that I’m able to do is solely because of God.
  3. Give thanks to others for the roles they play in my life, in the Body of Christ.
  4. Give thanks to God for God Himself, and for Jesus’ amazing and selfless sacrifice that transcends any other need we could ever have or any other gift we could ever receive. Because of that gift, eternal life is possible. In aiming for heaven, I know that the here-and-now is fleeting, as uncomfortable as it might be. I know I was created for more. I know that He can redeem anything in life that doesn’t go my way. I know that I am loved. And for all of that, I am grateful.

I love that a friend of mine in my Bible study often responds to things by saying, “Thank you Jesus.” It’s the most beautiful reminder because it draws me back to something that is such an integral a part of the human soul, as per God- thanksgiving.

Opportunities for gratitude are abundant. Giving thanks is our duty, but it’s also a gift of joy as well . The biggest gift of all is Jesus’ sacrifice for us- something we didn’t deserve but were given anyway, and that is what I’m most thankful for this Thanksgiving!

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2 thoughts on “Our Duty to Give Thanks

  1. Alexa, this is Very inspirational and touching. God is working in your heart and it really comes out in this post. May God bless you this thanksgiving day.

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